Kangaroo Mother Care for Parents In Malaysia

Have you heard of KMC?

Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is a special experience when you hold your baby on your chest; AND the skin on baby’s chest is touching the skin on your chest.


Which baby should have KMC?

Baby instinctively wants to breastfeed!

Easily practised by any family member

Watch this WHO video on KMC!

This informative video from the  World Health Organization reinforces that KMC is an intervention that enables the mother to take a central role in her own and her newborn’s care, thereby ensuring the power stays with the mother, and health workers support and respond to the mother’s and newborn’s needs.

New Publication on KMC - Exploring factors influencing the uptake of kangaroo mother care: key informant interviews with parents. 

The updated World Health Organization (WHO) guideline recommends immediate kangaroo mother care (KMC) for all infants, particularly those born preterm. However, its uptake and sustainability have been unsatisfactory. Therefore, we aimed to gain deeper insight into factors influencing the uptake of KMC practice in our setting, and thereby identify possible solutions for the development of relevant interventions to improve its adoption and make KMC a routine practice for all infants.

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